Section A
What is a Social Group?
A Social group can be defined as a group that consist of two or more people. This involves communication and interaction with people of the same interest.
*Primary social groups-The relationships within a primary social group are close and personal. Your family and friends are an example of a primary social group.
*Secondary social groups-Within a secondary social group, relationships with members are less personal and are more formal, schools, churches, political parties are all examples of secondary social group.
*Formal and Informal groups- Formal and Informal groups are both categorized Social groups. A rotary club is an example of a formal group while a group of friends coming together for leisure activities is an example of an Informal group.
*Structure and leadership-Having a defined hierarchical structure giving clear outline based on level of authority.
*Membership -Having membership within a group can be voluntary or involuntary.
Common characteristics of members, they should share:
-the same vision based on the group.
-needs hoped to be met through group effort.
-focus based on the interest of the group.
-similar values which shoud reflect based on the activities of the group.
*Behaviour- All social groups develop expectations for behaviour.
*Marks of identity- This could be either uniforms badges.
*Peer Groups- Similar age groups, interest, background, experiences and values.
*Interest Groups- This is a group of people who works together in order to lobby the government to protect something of benefit in their own self interest.
*Pressure Groups- This group exist to influence public opinion or policy.